Honesty from a Creative


Today’s topic is all about K.I.S.S. Not the lip syncing kind but the rule that applies to branding: Keep It Simple Silly. Less is more, trust me. I work and breath the creative industry 24/7 and when we designer types kindly tell you your idea for a logo design is a bit too much when you want 50 shades of greys, pinks, fluorescent yellow and a tinge of beige with floral bits sticking out from all angles and a kitten purring on the left side of the logo. It really is just too much. Please put your trust in the Graphic Designer.

Another thing us creatives really appreciate is good old fashion communication. Communication is the key to getting exactly what you had envisioned for your brand! Be honest. If you love something let us know and if you don’t let us know too so we can get onto making it fabulous for you. No need to beat around the bush, we take constructive criticism very well.

And lastly, no one enjoys chasing up invoices for all the love they have poured into creating your brand identity. Please be one of those amazing and memorable clients who pay on time and you will be rewarded with great karma!

Much love,
Shirlene Lai Allison xo

New Beginnings


The best way to start the new year off was a dive into the ocean, to wash away the year before and to welcome 2017 on a fresh new note. This year is all about taking a big leap of faith, finding the time to be more creative and to show more love to those who need it most.

If you haven’t visited this site in a while, you would have realised there has been a few changes. I have added in some free templates that you are most welcome to download and print to help keep you motivated throughout the year. My little way of giving back.

I have also shifted the ‘Child Modelling | A Parent’s Guide’ ebook over to this site to make everything easier to access and find. After many daily questions from curious parents wanting to know more about this exciting industry, creating this ebook was my solution to answering all the questions. Thank you to all the wonderful parents who have supported this guide so far.

Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed new year!

– Shirlene Lai Allison xo